Wednesday 21 November 2012

The Bad Fish Paradigm,

Anyeongg ^^

Today marks the end of the second week of SPM! This week we had Moral, Additional Mathematics and Physics! Physics was such a killer omg. This is gonna be an emotional post. All about the feels you see

Seriously no sleep at all for physics because literally it was a one day cram mission!!
The day before was additional Mathematics paper, and it went on till 4 in the evening..
So half of the day was gone already, how la to study for physics Fakkkkk
So no choice, stayed up till 3 to study. I BEGGED my big sister to help me out
Especially with light and my worst nightmare... - Refraction of light

Me: Aleqi, help me lah. This fish sure come out wan. Every paper also got the stupid dumb fish
Then must draw the light ray in the eye wan. Help meeee

Surely.. The fish came out again. HAHAH

So anyways, I woke up feeling like this:

 So sleepy okai

 Went to school, first paper started and it was okay.. UNTIL PAPER 2.
Open paper:

Dafuqq, the questions were so damn hard! The essay part especially!
Like they make their own questions and stuff -_-
The fish question omg.. I hate how our reference book does not help AT ALL when it comes to refraction of light. When I was studying that chapter last night I couldn't find the answer on how to shoot a fish accurately!

SO, I acted like hero. I tried to be smart ;D
When the question came out : Suggest a way for the man to shoot the fish more accurately
 WHAT I DID- The man should step back abit until the ray of light reaches a critical angle and there is no refraction. Hence, the man can shoot the fish properly!

After writing it down I was like:

Because based on logic what we usually do is just aim abit lower and shoot shoot till you shoot the fish
LOGIC RIGHT RIGHT. But I thought, nahhh the education people probably think it would be too simple.
So I wrote that lah. After the paper ended, and we do the usual " Eh what did you write for this this and this?" I think half of the people I asked wrote aim lower..... I should stop analysing things too much

When I brainstormed with my big sister after the paper - Her reaction to my answer:

Alex: Yes.. during critical angle. You can shoot the fish when you can't even see the fish

And I was like :

I asked my dad what would he have done. My dad's even smarter. Hehehe
He said - There is no refraction when you are perpendicular to the fish
So stand directly perpendicular to the fish and shoot.

Me and my sister:

What's the point of shooting the fish if you're perpendicular to the fish IN THE WATER. HAHAHAHA MIGHT AS WELL GRAB WITH YOUR BARE HANDS. LOLOL. My dad... Haih.
Can you imagine..the the water shooting perpendicular to the fish below...

I bullshitted my way through the essay and all. I hope it's enough for an A+.. Hopefully!
Paper 3 was the best out of all paper because it was very doable. If you read you can do
So I did a 007 and covered back to front of the reference book and only 2 experiments.. My life

After I came home I took all my physics book AND


SO NOW, The 2nd week is over, and just 2 more papers! Chemistry and Accounts paper.
Hahahah, in 7 days time SPM will be over and I'll turn into an orange headed person ^^ 
Probably bleach the ends too.Can't wait to redye my hair and become sexy like Leeteuk-sshi

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah. Most of the hard papers are over. So It's time to


Told you this was an emotional post. ALL MY FEELS. Till next time :)
Have a great week fellow SPM takers!
Much love, biffle xx.

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